Buy a Rover T-Shirt and show your support

Here is your chance to acknowledge the huge contribution that Rovers make. Buy a Rover Shirt facsimile and wear it to your next Scouting event, or even wear it when you head to Bunnings on a Saturday morning. You could hang one in your Scout Hall to promote the Rover Section to your youth members and parents . Emulation is the highest form of Flattery. Order yours today..

What are Rovers?

August 2018 is the official centenary month for Rovering. Rovers started in England in 1918 – towards the end of World War 1. A progression from Senior Scouts and young men returning from the War led to the formalization of Rover Scouts. Rovers came together to support each other, younger scouts and their communities. One hundred years later, Rovering continues.

It is well documented that contemporary 18-25 year old men and women face challenges  unlike any generation before them. There is a combined effect of self-development, common experiences, collective goals and involvement with younger joeys, cubs, scouts and venturers. All of this strengthens the individual, the Rover Crew, Scouting and the community they live in.

Who are our Rovers?

Rover Scouts, Rovers, Rover Scouting, Rovering? Which term do use to describe this very special “Youth” Section of the Scout Association? Do you have Rovers in your Group, District or State? Do you know their names, their faces or what they do in Scouting? Do you know if they are students, apprentices, working, parents of young children or even unemployed? Do they drive, cycle or walk?

Where can you find Rovers?

Rovers are lurking in every corner of Victorian Scouting. You can find Rovers at Mudbash,, Surf Moot, Mafeking (the Yea campsite). You can also find them at Jamboree, Kangaree, Cuboree, Armstrong, Stradbroke Cup, The Great Race, Jamboree Orientation and Packing day. And then for good measure they can be found in Joey Mobs, Cub Pack, and Scout Troops. Rovers are energetic, innovative and incredibly fun to work with.

What can you do to support Rovering?

We often take rovers for granted. We forget that they are getting launched in their careers and relationships. So how about we tell them, in the centenary year, that we appreciate their efforts? Want more info about the Rover T-Shirt?

Get your Rover T-shirt online