Meeting Rooms and Spaces for hire
Supporting delivery of programs for Victorian youth

Meeting Rooms and Spaces
Get your best brain storming!
Are you sick of your current meeting location? Is your venue draining your energy rather than energizing your projects? The Scout Q Store might be the answer you are looking for. Within the Scout Q Store at 173 Ordish Road, Dandenong South there is a 75m2 area dedicated to meeting and training. This space is separate to the warehousing area and separate to the Merchandising section. Interested? Send an Email Now!
Meetings Presentation Workshops Interviews Breakout Spaces
If you think this “Brain Space” would suit your needs Contact Us Want more of a sneak peek….check out our pictures
- 75m2
- Upstairs and not wheelchair accessible
- Large windows enhance the space
- Carpeted, heated, cooled
- Modern and comfortable seating, boardroom table
- Open presentation or display area.
- Easy access to toilets
- Access to modern kitchen
- Overall a wonderful facility.
- Off street parking
- Security night lighting
- Suit gatherings of 4-20 persons
- Discreet, private, neutral
- Access to wifi
- Great value
- One off or ongoing
- Available After hours, weekends
Plan your next meeting at The Q Store Contact Us Today
More about the Q Store
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