Camping Gear saved from Landfill
The Scout Q Store continues to scout about for camping and hiking gear bargains. This time Big T has been selectively buying from the Camping Gear Clearance that marks the end of trading for two of Victoria’s favourite camping companies.
Camping gear clearance
When a business closes there is a lot of stuff. When an adventure tour and camping business closes there is a mountain of gear. Finding new owners for everything is a mountainous task and all too often useful items finish in a skip. In the spirit of recycling, re-purposing and caring for the environment the Q Store purchased a number of items at Auction.
Ready for Sale
The gear from the Clearing sale have been transported and checked and are now available through the ScoutEventShop – that is the online Website for Merchandise and the Q Store. All of the items that have come from the Camping Company are secondhand and are on an AS IS basis.
This group of items includes Vinyl covered Foam Mats, Trangias, Flys and more.
Some extra items from VicJam
The washup from VicJam 2022 is just about done. A few extra items are being made available to the Scouting community. These also have been listed at the Scout Events website
This group includes Kneeboards, and Ski shorts (female).
For those that missed the news a few months ago, there are still some waterskis, donut tubes and misting fans at amazing prices
Pick Up Only
When you get to the Online Shop, please keep in mind that the Special Stock from the Q Store is for Pick Up Only.
Happy Scouting for another year from the Q Store Team