Big Events and Catering
Don’t buy it, hire it…..Flexible Inexpensive Hiring Contact Us for a Free QuoteBig Events
Are you planning a Big Event? Have you planned ahead? Have you considered location, weather, participants / guests? Will you have a trouble free day / evening / weekend or week? Does your budget accommodate the comforts that you want?
The Scout Q Store has specialist Big Event equipment and extensive experience in the Big Event domain. All under the one roof and available for hire. Together and accessible to support your Big Event. Hire Now!
Events we support:
Venture, Melbourne Gathering, Surf Moot, Rover Moot, Cuboree, Jamboree, Stradbroke, Kangaree, Dining – In, Boost, Gilweroo, School camps and more
Our inventory includes:
Infrastructure items
- Marquees
- Gazebos
- Temporary fencing
- Tables
- Chairs
- and More
These items can be supplied as singles or multiples to meet your specific requirements.
- Cutlery
- Stainless Steel Mixing Bowls
- Deep Fryers
- Food Warmers
- and More …
Why use the Q Store? Because we are good at Big Events….Have a look at Catering Equipment List or our new Hire Shop or Contact Us
Or you may have surplus gear that we are looking for… Contact Us
Ready to Hire? Try our new online Hire Shop or contact us via email. Use our Equipment Enquiry Email Now
For a free quote or start a conversation

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For a free quote or a conversation
More about the Q Store
Bell Tent – Fab or Fad ?
Are Bell Tents any Good? The Bell Tent is making a resurgence in Australia. Is this resurgence based on the re-discovery of its brilliance ,on a yearning for the good-old-days…when life was wonderful in all respects, or a dissatisfaction with light weight dome and...
Vic Q Store heads to Canberra
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