Friends of the Q Store (FoQs)
Supporting delivery of programs for Victorian youth Contact Us to start a ConversationFoQs
- Tuesday: 10.00 am – 4.00 pm
- And other times…
Who are the FoQs?
The Friends of the Q Store is an eclectic group of men and women. The team is a mix of former Scouters, current Scouters and never were Scouters. No age, experience or gender bias.
What skills are preferred?
The Q Store is a meritocracy….a what? Meritocracy….everyone has something to offer. Make a cuppa…pack a crate..fold a tent …photograph entry…answer queries…..brainstorm event youth section leaders.
Team members are encouraged to find their niche contribution. Everyone has something to offer.
Human Resources of the FoQs
Here is a sample of the world experience that lurks within the FoQs: Retired or still working: Storeman, Electrician, Plumber, Tiler, Accountant, Bank manager, teacher, nurse, paralegal, carpenter, fire services technician, IT, Requisitions guru, Chef, gardener and the rest I don’t know. Scouting experience: Joey, cub, Scout, Venturer Leaders, Rover Advisers, Group Leaders, District and region commissioners, Leader trainers and more. Come and join us for as much or as little as you can offer.
Is there a social component?
Some of the team like to work alone, some like to work with others. Some like to chat, share camping stories (washed away/blown away/starvation/geographically embarassment) and have a coffee. Others like to just be quietly busy.
What is the time committment?
Only got an hour? That’s OK. All snippets and whisps of your time can make a difference.
For people willing to be more involved in Big Events this is also an option both at the Q Store and on-site at Event locations.
How to get started?
No need to wait for an invitation….come along to the Q Store and check it out….
More about the Q Store
Vic Q Store heads to Canberra
Victorian Q Store heads off to Canberra The Scout Q Store, in Dandenong South, Victoria, swung into action to support the leaders and Scouts participating in the Governor General Camp. Warehouse spaces were used for packing Unit gear, receiving camp purchases, and...
Ex Hire Tents and Rain Jackets for Sale
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