Q store on track for Jamboree 2019

Q store on track for Jamboree 2019

Vic Contingent & Scout Q Store in action for AJ2019Jamboree bags and packsDistribution of Jamboree Bags, Day Packs, Lunch Packs and Water Bottles has begun at the Scout Q Store (Dandenong South) and Snowgum (Epping). In the last week, 70 of the 80 Jamboree Troop...
Where do past Jamboree Banners go?

Where do past Jamboree Banners go?

Scout Banners on DisplayScout Event Banners can now be seen in all their glory at the Scout Q Store, 173-175 Ordish Road, Dandenong SouthScout Jamborees and other Scouting Major Events have been creating huge banners for 30 years. At last they can be unfolded and...